Betrayed partners 12-week group
Next Group – January 31st Start
Friday Noon EST – 1:30pm EST
This time-limited betrayed partner’s group is designed to help betrayed partners work through the devastating impact of sexual betrayal and infidelity, develop tools to regain a sense of inner-safety and regain a sense of power. Ideal candidates are those who are new to discovery, and/or those who have been living with an addicted partner and would like to take more actions to strengthen their own recovery.
During this 12-week group, members will:
- Be able to share their stories and work on processing grief.
- Gain an understanding of why betrayal trauma is complex trauma.
- Explore and identify how gaslighting undermines one’s sense of self and ways to heal.
- Work on strategies to manage triggers.
- Work on boundary development and ensure they support self-integrity.
- Develop strategies to cultivate self-trust so that actions and decisions are in alignment with your core.
- Learn productive ways to harness anger.
- Develop a support system where sensitive issues and topics can be shared and discussed with others experiencing the same thing and to know you are not alone.
Client testimonials
"I found the weekly gatherings so helpful - I was looking for a group that was personally aligned with my experience, so that my issues were not at the center of my friendships, and so that I had an outlet for sharing and understanding. The workbook was exceedingly valuable in understanding the physical, mental and even intellectual repercussions of this experience. Sharing it with my partner also helped - it was one of the things that finally elicited some empathy for how I was struggling. I had many light bulb moments and was grateful for the weekly centering this course offered."
"Just wanted to send you a thank you for all that you do to help me and others similarly who struggle with the trauma of infidelity. The tools and the sessions provide the forum for better understanding and navigating through this difficult time. Thank you, I can’t begin to explain how much I appreciate your support and dedication."
"I've gotten so much out of the group and it has been a real light in the dark to not feel alone."
"This 12-week betrayed partners group has brought me through to the next chapter- with the support of Jen & this group, through learning from each other's experience, fostering safety and self-trust, sharing vulnerably and hearing others do the same, through the reading and learning materials, I have gained new skills, new viewpoints, and increased confidence and self esteem to move forward in my life with agency and increased self-trust and knowing."