Betrayed Partners Groups
12-Week Virtual Betrayed Partners Group
This time-limited betrayed partner’s group is designed to help betrayed partners work through the devastating impact of sexual betrayal, develop tools to regain a sense of inner-safety and regain a sense of power. Ideal candidates are those who are new to discovery, and/or those who have been living with an addicted partner and would like to take more actions to strengthen their own recovery.
During this 12-week group, members will:
- Be able to share their stories and work on processing grief.
- Gain an understanding of why betrayal trauma is complex trauma.
- Explore and identify how gas lighting undermines one’s sense of self and ways to heal from gaslighting.
- Work on strategies to manage triggers.
- Work on boundary development and ensure they support self-integrity.
- Develop strategies to cultivate self-trust so that actions and decisions are in alignment with your core.
- Learn productive ways to harness anger.
- Develop a support system where sensitive issues and topics can be shared and discussed with others experiencing the same thing and to know you are not alone.
This time-limited betrayed partner’s group is designed to help betrayed partners work through the devastating impact of sexual betrayal, develop tools to regain a sense of inner-safety and regain a sense of power. Ideal candidates are those who are new to discovery, and/or those who have been living with an addicted partner and would like to take more actions to strengthen their own recovery.
During this 12-week group, members will:
- Be able to share their stories and work on processing grief.
- Gain an understanding of why betrayal trauma is complex trauma.
- Explore and identify how gas lighting undermines one’s sense of self and ways to heal from gaslighting.
- Work on strategies to manage triggers.
- Work on boundary development and ensure they support self-integrity.
- Develop strategies to cultivate self-trust so that actions and decisions are in alignment with your core.
- Learn productive ways to harness anger.
- Develop a support system where sensitive issues and topics can be shared and discussed with others experiencing the same thing and to know you are not alone.
Monthly betrayed partners group
This is a step-down group for betrayed partners who have completed the 12-Week trauma group and would like to continue to stay connected to a recovery community. Ideal candidates for this group are those who have moved through the acute trauma phase, developed effective coping skills to manage triggers, and are actively working on up-holding boundaries and living in self-integrity. Knowing how time-consuming recovery can be, and knowing that in many cases, partners are managing careers, children and complex marriages, the monthly group allows ongoing connection to community and a safe place to continue to be able to discuss sensitive topics, while allowing for greater life balance as a healing process takes hold.
Monthly betrayed partners group
This is a step-down group for betrayed partners who have completed the 12-Week trauma group and would like to continue to stay connected to a recovery community. Ideal candidates for this group are those who have moved through the acute trauma phase, developed effective coping skills to manage triggers, and are actively working on up-holding boundaries and living in self-integrity. Knowing how time-consuming recovery can be, and knowing that in many cases, partners are managing careers, children and complex marriages, the monthly group allows ongoing connection to community and a safe place to continue to be able to discuss sensitive topics, while allowing for greater life balance as a healing process takes hold.
Men's 7-Week Virtual Group:
Helping your partner heal
Men's 7-Week Virtual Group:
Helping your partner heal
This short-term, virtual, psychoeducational group is designed to help men recovering from sexual addiction, infidelity and/or compulsive sexual behavior better understand the impact that betrayal trauma has on their partners. This workshop is for men who are committed to repairing their marriage and rebuilding trust.
Betrayal trauma is a complex, multi-dimensional trauma. Most men are overwhelmed and at a loss on how to manage their partner’s trauma and emotional turmoil that ensues in the aftermath of discovery. The workshop will give men a deeper understanding of the impact on their partners and will provide tools and tips that will help pave the road to healing and repair.
The group will be interactive with reflective exercises. Members will walk away with a deeper understanding of their partner’s experience and new skills to practice to help their partners heal.
During this 12-week group, members will:
- Gain an understanding of what complex betrayal is, why it’s considered complex and the impact on partners’ nervous systems.
- Learn about the different types of Gas Lighting and its impact on partners.
- Explore the definition of cheating and “reframing the definition” especially in the aftermath of betrayal.
- Learn the pitfalls that make an inflammatory situation worse.
- Develop a greater understanding of your partner’s experience to cultivate empathy.
- Learn how to navigate triggers through empathic, productive communication.
- Understand the “Anatomy of Earned Trust” and how to implement a plan.
This short-term, virtual, psychoeducational group is designed to help men recovering from sexual addiction, infidelity and/or compulsive sexual behavior better understand the impact that betrayal trauma has on their partners. This workshop is for men who are committed to repairing their marriage and rebuilding trust.
Betrayal trauma is a complex, multi-dimensional trauma. Most men are overwhelmed and at a loss on how to manage their partner’s trauma and emotional turmoil that ensues in the aftermath of discovery. The workshop will give men a deeper understanding of the impact on their partners and will provide tools and tips that will help pave the road to healing and repair.
The group will be interactive with reflective exercises. Members will walk away with a deeper understanding of their partner’s experience and new skills to practice to help their partners heal.
During this 12-week group, members will:
- Gain an understanding of what complex betrayal is, why it’s considered complex and the impact on partners’ nervous systems.
- Learn about the different types of Gas Lighting and its impact on partners.
- Explore the definition of cheating and “reframing the definition” especially in the aftermath of betrayal.
- Learn the pitfalls that make an inflammatory situation worse.
- Develop a greater understanding of your partner’s experience to cultivate empathy.
- Learn how to navigate triggers through empathic, productive communication.
- Understand the “Anatomy of Earned Trust” and how to implement a plan.